Station: T8030Pxxxxxxxxxx command CMD_SDINFO_EX failed with error: undefined (-148)
GM-Jokemaster opened this issue · 3 comments
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Hi everyone!
regarding to the implementation/fix : Is it already in the latest Git Version ?
Could not figure out if it is already in the v1.2.1 ?? (close to the closeing Date of Post #394 )
If so: I am still getting this errors
If not: Is there any sign when it is in the next version?
Thank You all for the good Work ! 👍🏼
My Hardware: S380 with Harddrive, 3x T8160, 1x T8213
I have the same issue. This seems to be due to an update on Eufy side in the API. Will there be a fix soon?
It should in the "next" Version regarding to the already closed Post -> #394
It is known what the problem is and was!
That was my Question! .... not "if" there is a Problem ....
The fix will be included in version 1.3.0
. Please don't ask for ETA.