
Gotify Notification not sending.

limitlessbritt opened this issue · 6 comments

When i try to add gotify as a webhook it doesn't send any messages and I don't see any info about in the logs

here are env settings I used:
CIAO_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD_GOTIFY='{"Content Type":"application/json", "message": "[ciao] name: Status changed (status_after)", "priority": 2, "title": "Service Check", "token": "token" }'

I'm running docker, not docker compose.

same issue, but with telegram webhook

sebw commented

Works for me by passing the token in the URL:

CIAO_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD_GOTIFY: '{"title": " - __name__","message": "Before: __status_before__\nNew status: __status_after__", "priority": 1}'

@limitlessbritt Does #86 (comment) work for you?

@vaclandic Did you follow the example in

@sebw Thanks for posting this Gotify example. You are free to submit a PR with your example configuration.

i am using nomad for docker orchestration
and for me work this solution:

CIAO_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD_TELEGRAM="{\"chat_id\": \"****\", \"disable_web_page_preview\": 1, \"text\": \"[__name__] Status changed from (__status_before__) to (__status_after__)\"}"

good day. Anyone has had any luck using gotify with docker compose. I see the note on the post by sebw, but that does not work with compose.
Thank you

Closed as stale