
Simpler, more general Worker

AmitMY opened this issue · 2 comments

Running the test_page example in this repository left me wowed, but also with a little bad taste, as for the complexity of how much code one needs to write/copy in order to use it.
Additionally, all paths in that example are relative, requiring every user to adjust the worker code to their directory structure.

I replicated that example fully here -
And wrote an npm module to work with bergamot models

From your app, usage becomes extremely simple:

import {createBergamotWorker} from '@sign-mt/browsermt';
// OR import {createBergamotWorker} from ''

const worker = createBergamotWorker('/node_modules/@sign-mt/browsermt/build/esm/worker.js');
// OR createBergamotWorker('')

// Copy these artifacts to your deployed folder
await worker.importBergamotWorker(

// Create object with URLs to the mode files
const modelRegistry = {
  enru: {
    model: {name: "/models/enru/model.enru.intgemm.alphas.bin"},
    lex: {name: "/models/enru/lex.50.50.enru.s2t.bin"},
    vocab: {name: "/models/enru/vocab.enru.spm"}

await worker.loadModel('en', 'ru', modelRegistry);

const translations = await worker.translate('en', 'ru', ['test sentence', 'other sentence'], {isHtml: false});
kpu commented

Hi, welcome!

Have you taken a look at #437 ?

@jelmervdl is the javascript expert, I defer to him but it does look much simpler.

Thanks @kpu
I was not aware of that PR, would have saved me some time :)

My code has multiple advantages, namely:

  • control about every file's location (workers, models, etc)
  • types support (written in typescript, and heavily typed)
  • minimally changes your implementation in this repository
  • supports worker threads in node.js (now tested)

And disadvantages:

I probably did not put as much thought into this as @jelmervdi did, and thus may have not included some extra features / some additional code cleaning, as my goal was having something published, and usable right away.