Ipad OS 16.5 in Safari do not match RegExp by getUserAgentRegex, with no version
ChenShuy1 opened this issue · 2 comments
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I have a user accessing my site from Chrome on an iPad Pro with iOS 16. At the "mobile view", it uses the following user-agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS16 5 like Mac OS X)AppleWebKit/605.1.15(KHTML, like Gecko) Crios/112.0.5615.70 Mobile15E148 Safari/604.1
get the regexp by getUserAgentRegex
allowHigherVersions: true,
ignorePatch: true,
allowZeroSubversions: true,
browsers: ['chrome > 1', 'safari > 1', 'edge > 1'],
and it's return:
/Edge?\/(1[2-9]|[2-9]\d|\d{3,})(\.\d+|)(\.\d+|)|Chrom(ium|e)\/([4-9]|\d{2,})\.\d+(\.\d+|)([\d.]+$|.*Safari\/(?![\d.]+ Edge\/[\d.]+$))|Maci.+ Version\/(3\.([1-9]|\d{2,})|([4-9]|\d{2,})\.\d+)([,.]\d+|)( Mobile\/\w+|) Safari\//
This does not match the my browser configuration in browserslist-useragent-regex with the latest version.
It's seems like the reg check the platform(etc. IPad or Macintosh), how could I avoid the platform check but the browser type and version.
browserslist-useragent-regexp version
@chenshy39 Hi.
"mobile view"
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS16 5 like Mac OS X)AppleWebKit/605.1.15(KHTML, like Gecko) Crios/112.0.5615.70 Mobile15E148 Safari/604.1
browsers: ['chrome > 1', 'safari > 1', 'edge > 1'],
to match this user-agent you should use "iOS" query.
thanks a lot! It's works.