`minor.push` is not a function
fdubost opened this issue · 7 comments
I'm facing an similar issue than #409 but with minor
TypeError: minor.push is not a function
at versionsListToRanges (/Users/fdubost/Workspaces/my_project/node_modules/browserslist-useragent-regexp/lib/index.js:1177:17)
at browsers.forEach (/Users/fdubost/Workspaces/my_project/node_modules/browserslist-useragent-regexp/lib/index.js:1212:24)
at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)
at browserVersionsToRanges (/Users/fdubost/Workspaces/my_project/node_modules/browserslist-useragent-regexp/lib/index.js:1211:12)
at getUserAgentRegExps (/Users/fdubost/Workspaces/my_project/node_modules/browserslist-useragent-regexp/lib/index.js:1511:26)
at getUserAgentRegExp (/Users/fdubost/Workspaces/my_project/node_modules/browserslist-useragent-regexp/lib/index.js:1525:19)
I'm using:
- node 10.17.0
- yarn 1.12.3
- browsersist-useragent-regexp last version (2.0.2)
- the browsers configuration is
['Safari < 11']
Thank you!
Don't know if this is linked, but the regexp doesn't match IE11 user agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
ie <= 11,
'Safari > 8 and Safari < 11'
But it matches with:
ie <= 11,
'Safari 9',
'Safari 10'
@fdubost About your second message:
> browserslist "ie <= 11, Safari > 8 and Safari < 11"
safari 10.1
safari 10
safari 9.1
safari 9
This is problem of Browserslist itself. You can create issue about that in Browserslist repo.
As workaround you can use Safari > 8 and Safari < 12, ie <= 11
> browserslist "Safari > 8 and Safari < 12, ie <= 11"
ie 11
ie 10
ie 9
ie 8
ie 7
ie 6
ie 5.5
safari 11.1
safari 11
safari 10.1
safari 10
safari 9.1
safari 9
Done browserslist/browserslist#480 ✅Thanks!
Thank you @dangreen ! The error is fixed but I still have an issue: [ Safari < 11 ]
catches this user-agent which is a Chrome 80
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; Bouygtel4K Build/CALIFORNIE; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.162 Mobile Safari/537.36
It seems to work, thank you 🙏 !