
C# native language support

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C# native language support for MITM Proxy will be very useful for us as per our project requirement. As alternate option, we
planned to use REST API in our code, but when I click the document link, it shows 404 (Page not available) error. Kindly help me out.

We don't have any plans to support C# in the near-term. No one who works on this has C# installed.

There is possibly a way to get some C# support if you want to invest a bit of time. We generate all of our API clients using a tool called OpenAPI generator. The instructions to generate clients are here:

If you were to create a config for C# and run the generator, you could probably generate a good C# client.

If you create a working C# config, we would accept a PR for at least the config, although maybe not the whole client since we don't have a testing setup for that.

Can you point me to the broken link you mentioned?

Thanks for your quick response. We will analyze your suggestions to support C# config and come back. This is the broken link