
uninstall does not work

fneddy opened this issue · 7 comments

trying to uninstall multirust failes with blastoff: failed to uninstall multirust:

~ > cargo --version
cargo 0.10.0-nightly (d38f03b 2016-03-29)
~ > rustc --version
rustc 1.9.0-nightly (b678600ac 2016-03-29)
~ >multirust --version
multirust 0.7.0 (b222fcd27 2015-09-24 10:53:38 -0700)

~ > curl -sf | sh -s -- --uninstall 
This script will uninstall multirust. It may prompt for your password via 'sudo'.

Ready? (y/N) y

blastoff: working in temporary directory /tmp/tmp.b4NVdxHxx5
blastoff: cloning multirust git repo
Cloning into 'multir ....
blastoff: uninstalling
[sudo] password for eddy: 
install: error: unable to find installation manifest at /usr/local/lib/rustlib
blastoff: failed to uninstall multirust
~ > 
brson commented

Weird! Do you have anything in /usrc/local/lib/rustlib? Can you list the directory contents perhaps?

there is just an install.log with the error msg in it:

~> ls -la /usr/local/lib/rustlib
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  3 Mar 30 21:24 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  3 Mar 30 21:24 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79 Mar 30 21:24 install.log

~> cat /usr/local/lib/rustlib/install.log
install: error: unable to find installation manifest at /usr/local/lib/rustlib
brson commented

Is there a chance that you installed rustc in some other way, not with multirust? Where is your rustc binary located? Multirust uninstall would expect it to be at /usr/local/bin/rustc.

Same error for me, rustc is installed in /home/edoput/.cargo/bin/rustc and I should have used multirust to install it IIRC

Double check that you've installed multirust with the blastoff script (curl | sh), because I got the same error until I realised that I installed multirust with pacman. 💡

brson commented

@edoput multirust doesn't put things in .cargo/bin. That looks more like rustup.

Sounds ok, I already run the multirust uninstall script from /usr/local/lib/rustlib/ and multirust kept functioning from ~/edoput/.cargo/bin/multirust even without the directory /usr/local/lib/rustlib. I removed the multirust binary and now it looks good to me.