- 3
Angular 17 support
#176 opened by Yuri-Lima - 1
- 0
Unit tests failing with the error - No provider for InjectionToken HotkeyOptions
#181 opened by rajatkhare619 - 0
- 6
Is it compatible with Angular v16+
#171 opened by Yuri-Lima - 1
- 3
After updating to v15.0.0, a type definition error regarding mousetrap occurs.
#170 opened by negibouze - 2
Can cheatsheethotkey define string[]?
#158 opened by qq253498229 - 1
- 4
- 5
pause() / unpause() skips Hotkeys
#101 opened by SublimePotato - 4
13.2.0 not working properly
#165 opened by calvinturbo - 0
Hotkey params not being passed to mousetrap?
#161 opened by blake-haas - 3
Angular 14 compatibility
#159 opened by TobiasJu - 2
Publish an Ivy distribution
#155 opened by altso - 2
how to remove all listener on destroy
#152 opened by indraraj26 - 6
Angular 13 compatibility
#153 opened by anders8 - 8
Angular 12 compatibility
#149 opened by Eraldo - 3
Angular 13.1.1 compilation error with mousestrap
#154 opened by WillooWisp - 1
- 0
- 1
- 5
Version 2.1.5 does not work with angular 8 anymore
#136 opened by poyrazus - 21
Add support for Angular 10
#132 opened by reduckted - 8
- 1
How to use function keys?
#121 opened by lunanigra - 8
error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context. node_modules/angular2-hotkeys/lib/hotkeys.service.d.ts(9,16): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'MousetrapInstance'
#137 opened by shah20 - 1
Cannot find name 'MousetrapInstance'
#138 opened by yevgeniy-belov - 0
Significant lag when typing in inputs
#124 opened by ptoro - 0
memory consumption and massive triggering of events
#131 opened by GlauberF - 2
Hotkey "ctrl+alt+up" for up arrow is not triggered
#130 opened by rssravya57 - 1
Binding to Hotkey without 'action' parameter binds to "keypress"-event but unbinds "keydown" in mousetrap
#129 opened by motabass - 0
- 7
Ivy support / compatibility
#112 opened by wittlock - 2
feat(): add possibility to listen to change events
#119 opened by billyjov - 1
hotkeys with Mat-dialog in angular material
#120 opened by bhawanashukla - 1
how to unit test?
#118 opened by chr1soscl - 0
docs(): add specificEvents option to doc
#117 opened by billyjov - 5
Combo alt + number doesn't work
#103 opened by dungvt - 4
Using combo array => error in cheatsheet
#109 opened by gcardozoj - 19
angular 8 support
#110 opened by niemyjski - 1
Cheatsheet displaying incorrect key
#115 opened by ChrisG260 - 1
Cannot override chrome hotkeys on windows
#114 opened by bergermanuel - 2
source-map-loader warning: Cannot find source file
#105 opened by pszalanski - 1
Multiple the same combo
#104 opened by piernik - 1
Stops listening to combo after exception in handler
#102 opened by ntnkrsh - 1
how to attach hotkey to action button in a form?
#106 opened by chr1soscl - 6
Not sure if this is still maintained
#107 opened by omridevk - 1
- 2
Toggle CheatSheet by using HotkeysService
#99 opened by do-yeon