
[Feature Enhancement] Have 'Run Previous Script' ignore first-level scripts

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Consider seldom-used (no keycombo assigned) and frequently-used (a keycombo is assigned) scripts.

To run the seldom-used script, one must find it via the menu system; the more scripts one has made the more difficult this process is.

To run a frequently-used script, one NEVER finds it via the menu system (because one has memorized the keycombo).

Often, one needs to run the seldom-used script a few times (adjusting input data, etc) to get a desired result. Run Previous Script helps in this regard, as user doesn't need to again go on a visual search via the menu to again locate the script.

In the process of "adjusting data", the user uses a frequently-used script via its keycombo, e.g. one that reformats data in some way.

Now, to re-run the seldom-used script, the user goes to the menu and expects to see the seldom-used script in the Run Previous Script menu entry -- BUT NO, at this point the frequently-used/keycombo'd script is shown there. The user has to again go on a lengthy visual search to locate the seldom-used script in order to re-run it.

Thus, the feature-enhancement request: If a script appears in the first-level of the PythonScript plugin menu, i.e. at the same level in the menu as Run Previous Script, then, when that script is run, DO NOT remember it as a previously-run script.

Issue is on functionality current to PS