
A web service to track the karma of things

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status

 /$$   /$$                                             /$$
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                  It's all that matters

A web service to track the karma of things.


mvn package

Or, get a pre-compiled jar with all dependencies included from the releases page.


java -jar target/karma-*.jar server karma.yml

The service will be running on localhost, port 8080. Admin port is on 8081. Requires Java 7.

Basic API endpoints

Get the karma for a thing:

GET karma/{thing}

Bump or decrease the karma of a thing:

POST karma/{thing}/bump
POST karma/{thing}/down

Get the top or bottom n things according to their karma:

GET karma/top/{n}
GET karma/bottom/{n}


Karma uses SQLite as its backend by default. At startup, it will create a karma.db file in the service folder.

You can change the storage engine (among other things) in the database section of the karma.yml config file; simply pick a diferent JDBC URL string and driver class.