
Your list is mixing "static filters" and "dynamic rules" syntax

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Static filter is ABP/EasyList like filter, for example:


These filters can be manually added to "My filters" tab or imported as a list in "Filter lists" tab.

Dynamic rule is specific to uBlock Origing or uMatrix: * inline-script block
* * block

Rules can be manually edited in "My rules" tab, or created in uBO popup "Overview panel" (clicking on red/grey/green table cells).

By subscribing to the list (in "Filter lists" tab or by clicking on special link) its content is parsed as "static filters". "Dynamic rules" present in it can cause issues - it may not block what you expect or block something unexpected.

You should convert these rules to proper syntax:

  • * inline-script block -> ||^$inline-script
  • * * block -> ||^. If you want to make it stronger (block also popups for ex.), make it ||^$all
rd-su commented

I already told them about that here, but they didn't care about it...

Also if you want an one-step import file for both static and dynamic rules (and more), you can use uBO's backup file format.

Then he will override his subscription and other such settings. This is probably a less comfortable option.

I guess these two things must to be locked and some filters overwrite - maybe important can work long:


until his enemy (the creator of the list unlocking these two domains) can reach for the badfilter:


@gwarser @rdsu-pt @Yuki2718 @krystian3w I'll try to start fixing everything tomorrow. I have this week off work, but this is one of those vacation with a lot of work and not that much free time. When I have everything hopefully fixed, can I ask any of you to take a look at the rules before pushing them to the repository?

alpha version

! -------------------------------------------------- !
! Bloqueio de scripts inline nos sites da rede nonio !
! -------------------------------------------------- !

or into one line:


! ------------------------------------------------------ !
! Regras de bloqueio globais para os sites da rede nonio !
! ------------------------------------------------------ !

or into one line:

! ⚠️
! ⚠️    but this disable warning "⚠️" before direct open site - when maybe better use:
! ⚠️    "*$all,important,domain="
! ⚠️   
! ⚠️    or maybe
! ⚠️   
! ⚠️    "*^$important,domain="
! ⚠️

alpha version

! -------------------------------------------------- !
! Bloqueio de scripts inline nos sites da rede nonio !
! -------------------------------------------------- !

or into one line:



! ------------------------------------------------------ !
! Regras de bloqueio globais para os sites da rede nonio !
! ------------------------------------------------------ !

or into one line:

! ⚠️
! ⚠️    but this disable warning "⚠️" before direct open site - when maybe better use:
! ⚠️    "*$all,important,domain="
! ⚠️   
! ⚠️    or maybe
! ⚠️   
! ⚠️    "*^$important,domain="
! ⚠️


I've branched the list ( and introduced the changes posted by @krystian3w and added $important to more rules. Can I ask any of you to test it? I'll merge it with master as soon as I have some people test it and confirm it works for them.

rd-su commented

It seems PÚBLICO newspaper already left Nónio platform 6 months ago...

It seems PÚBLICO newspaper already left Nónio platform 6 months ago...

You're right. I forgot about that. I'll update the list as soon as possible.

Update: done.

Changes merged, so I'll close this bug. If you find any bug in the list, please open a new bug-report so it can be improved.
Thanks for all the feedback and help! ❤️

@rdsu-pt by the way, I'm always looking for collaborators for this list, if it interests you. If you're interested, ping me @ twitter (

Hi. Don't know if is related, but since today (maybe 2 ~3 hours) some fonts in Google Chrome is mixed up when this list is activated.

If i deactivate the problem is not happening. Bug maybe?

Hi. Don't know if is related, but since today (maybe 2 ~3 hours) some fonts in Google Chrome is mixed up when this list is activated.

If i deactivate the problem is not happening. Bug maybe?

I detected some bugs in the list related to Google stuff and have fixed them. Force the update of the list and, if it doesn't work, please open a new bug with all the details you can provide: website, browser version, adblocker version and so on.

Yep, it seems solved. Thank you very much!

Yep, it seems solved. Thank you very much!

No problem :) If you find any other bug, please report them

rd-su commented

All the rules under:

! ------------------------------------------------------ !
! Regras de bloqueio globais para os sites da rede nonio !
! ------------------------------------------------------ !

are really needed to block nonio, or is generic blocking?