
Question: Map objects of dictionaries

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I try to map some JSON data to core data. How would I manage to map a JSON structure like this? I have a different naming in my attributes. like "objectId", "name", "info", "phone".

"Id": 2,
"Name": “James”
"Description": “Pilot”,
"Phone": “54 34 45 22”

"Id": 3,
"Name": “Lucy”
"Description": “”,
"Phone": “67 45 45 22”
Thank you in advance

It's really simple:

[BWObjectMapping mappingForObject:[User class] block:^(BWObjectMapping *mapping) {
[mapping mapPrimaryKeyAttribute:@"Id" toAttribute:@"objectId"];
[mapping mapKeyPath:@"Name" toAttribute:@"name"];
[mapping mapKeyPath:@"Description" toAttribute:@"info"];

[[BWObjectMapper shared] registerMapping:mapping];


NSArray *objects = [[BWObjectMapper shared] objectsFromJSON:JSON withObjectClass:[User class]];