
Ship also via plgx

darkdragon-001 opened this issue · 7 comments

Please also ship your releases as plgx.

...And if you cannot ship your releases as plgx for some reason, please provide some documentation on how to use this with Windows - does it need compiling or something?


I packed it as a plgx for myself by doing the following on Windows: (not guaranteed to work but it worked for me)

Download latest ykpers for win32 and win64 from
Extract them to be like:


Remove any unnecessary files if you want to save space (all I did was git clone and immediately pack plgx after adding the dlls)

To create the plgx:
KeePass.exe --plgx-create "A:\bsolute\path\to\KeeChallenge\src" --plgx-prereq-kp:2.35 --plgx-build-post:"cmd /c move """{PLGX_TEMP_DIR}32bit""" """{PLGX_CACHE_DIR}""" && move """{PLGX_TEMP_DIR}64bit""" """{PLGX_CACHE_DIR}""""

The plgx will be absolute\path\to\KeeChallenge\src.plgx and can be renamed to whatever

I recently experimented a bit with .plgx packaging as well.
As I found out, DLL dependencies can be automatically included by referencing them in .csproj file. Unfortunately adding them via wizard fails. Further, I don't know if you can have configuration dependent (x86, x64) paths.
I think it works to only ship the .dll files from the bin directory and remove all the other files to reduce size of .plgx. I could successfully load and run this plugin in KeePass although I could not fully test it, since I currently don't have a yubikey lying around...

I managed to follow the instructions from @edwardmuel but even with the PLGX version I cannot fix issue #25 It works on 2.35 or lower however.

Me too! I got so frustrated I just gave up. I have created a powershell script to automatically download all the dependencies, and perform the compilation, so if we can get a working version I will share that to automate the process.

I believe that something has changed on KeePass api that prevents it from working but I am not sure what.

To anyone still following this issue, I have made a PLGX at