
Gym details in map for not encountered gyms

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Expected Behavior

Show gym info inside the map with all the possible info.

Current Behavior

If you try to open a gym that it is outside your area but that can be seen from your area, the worker does not encounter it, it does not have an image nor the full list or pokemons (maybe this is a problem of Pokemap).
Anyway this leads to gym details not being shown correctly, as the default UI is broken and only the extended UI with all the information is shown correctly.
2017-03-17 14_12_36-pokemad _ sigue la conquista
In fact the request leads to an exception in the response processing as gymInfos is null in

function setGymDetails(gym)
	// replace http with https to fix mixed content
	var imgurl = gym.gymDetails.gymInfos.url;

Possible Solution

At least Fix the style of the default UI (the one sent by core/process/aru.php with type "gym_map" and handle error in response.
Optimally change the default UI to be similar to the details UI (maybe with a generic image).

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Go to /gym
  2. Click in a gym that is outside the scan area


Your Environment

pki0 commented

Hmm, I ask myself why you have gyms without details?

I do have them, too. At the corners they get mapped but encountering gym-info does not work on them.

Not sure, it only happens with gyms outside the scan area but that can be seen from within the scan area, so probably a bug in the scanner code.
Anyway this should be improved as the extended detail request can fail and the regular display at least need somes style fixes.

PoUpA commented