
Monocle support

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments

Please make it also possible for Monocle users.

I think it's mostly changes in the database stuff.

ARGG1 commented

Hello, really will like this functionality. More and more people are coverting from RM to Monocle and want to keep this running. Please and thank you

i'm trying my self edit that all DB stuff related to Worldopole and monocle. but i will maybe need som help by DEV guys i can provide DB or something ... I'm trying to change all the code for monocle DB, but for me it takes a time because me not familiar with db related stuff so if someone can help me or us or community i will appraise it

PoUpA commented

is here anyone how can help me to fill to correct way of the php mysql scripts in file core/process/data.loader.php ?

| Tables_in_monocle |
| fort_sightings    |
| forts             |
| mystery_sightings |
| pokestops         |
| sightings         |
| spawnpoints       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

monocle have diff DB structure them RM. i tried myself to edit DBnames and etc and still no pokemon DB and etc error :(

You have to rewrite all queries...
Wait for @PoUpA

What is the current status of this? Was Monocle support finally discarded?

Working on it.
Will release a first "Beta-PR" soon.

Finally, we have a PR: #353
Discussion can continue there please ๐Ÿ‘