Chrome mobile v62 Touch event on close button propagates up
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Sorry for my English.
When i click close button on mobile device in Chrome 62, event bubbles up and click happens on element under popup.
It's can be fixed by adding:
in $('#swipebox-close') click/touch event handler
event.preventDefault() won't work in chrome 56 or higher because they have implemented passive event listeners by default which will ignore all calls to preventDefault()
This of course will need to be fixed with something similar toaddEventListener("touchstart", func, {passive: false} );
Whereas I believe the code for swipebox uses a jQuery .bind("touchstart")
and has no argument for enabling/disabling passive event listeners via the api.
Here's a video of the issue using the swipebox site as of today. (I had pressed escape to close the lightbox in this video) - but should give a better idea of what's happening.
jQuery.event.special.touchstart = {
setup: function( _, ns, handle ){
if ( ns.includes("noPreventDefault") ) {
this.addEventListener("touchend click", handle, { passive: false });
} else {
this.addEventListener("touchend click", handle, { passive: true });
it removed the errors for now from chromium Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit)
line 587: jquery.swipebox/src/js/jquery.swipebox.js for event: touchend click
from here: