
ImportError: No module named selenium

dgroy81 opened this issue · 7 comments

C:\Users\Diya Guha Roy\Desktop\Articles\Netnography 1\data> -h
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Diya Guha Roy\Desktop\Articles\Netnography 1\data\", line 6, in
from selenium import webdriver
ImportError: No module named selenium

C:\Users\Diya Guha Roy\Desktop\Articles\Netnography 1\data>pip install -U selenium
Requirement already satisfied: selenium in c:\users\diya guha roy\appdata\local\programs\python\python38-32\lib\site-packages (4.0.0)

Directory of C:\Users\Diya Guha Roy\Desktop\Articles\Netnography 1\data

12-11-2021 08:33

12-11-2021 08:33 ..
27-10-2021 23:09 11,275,264 chromedriver.exe
27-10-2021 09:40 6,192 data.xlsx
12-11-2021 08:26 1,144
12-11-2021 08:22 57 facebook_credentials.txt
12-11-2021 08:21 35,802 LICENSE.txt
12-11-2021 08:23 24 requirements.txt
12-11-2021 08:41 14,796
12-11-2021 08:33 114 source.txt
8 File(s) 11,333,393 bytes
2 Dir(s) 853,335,797,760 bytes free

C:\Users\Diya Guha Roy\Desktop\Articles\Netnography 1\data>

you can use 'pip list' check your package is installed or not

is there any other possibility ?

This project has not maintained for a long time,
I think it will have other lantency bugs.