
Repository for channel https://www.youtube.com/@bastiandev/videos

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Repository for channel https://www.youtube.com/@bastiandev/videos


  • Check out this repository into YourLyraFolder/Plugins/GameFeatures/. Open, recompile on request.
  • Set the default map in the project settings to "M_DemoPlane"
  • Add the Unreal plugins: "Text 3D", "HttpBlueprint", Blueprint Stats", "Targeting System", "Python Foundation Packages", "Pose Search", "Procedural Content Generation Framework", "Procedural Content Generation Framework Script Interop" - restart
  • Open Project Settings and
    • change "Loading Screen Widget" to your customized version - "W_BA_LoadingScreenHost" in my example
    • Go to "Game > Asset Referencing Policy > Project Content > Can reference these domains" and add another element and select your "Bastian" as the plugin name reference
  • Only develop and test the game as "Client". Only debug from Visual Studio as either "Development Editor" or "Debug Editor"
  • There are some changes necessary in the ABP_Mannequin_Base if you follow the weapon video
    • Add two Transform variables named "Weapon Socket Right Hand Transform" and "Weapon Socket Left Hand Transform"
    • Add a Boolean variable named "GameplayTag_WeaponIsTwoHand"
    • Add a property mapping (Class Defaults) GameplayTag_WeaponIsTwoHand->Weapons.IsTwoHand. The gameplay tag is set in the weapon specific Gameplay Effect
    • Per weapon:
      • Add a Boolean variable to set if weapon is in use, e.g. GameplayTag_IsLongSword
      • This variable is set by a property mapping to a Gameplay Tag - e.g. Weapons.LongSword. The gameplay tag is set in the weapon specific Gameplay Effect
  • Optionally - to follow the weapon video: Add one socket named 'Weapon_r_preview' to your SK_Mannequin as child of socket 'weapon_r'

Lyra base fixes

  • Open GA_Interact from ShooterExplorer and remove the "Hello on press" PrintString node
  • Search Lyra directory for "ABP_UnarmedAnimLayers". You will find 2: Open both and look bottom right in the Anim Preview Editor and switch to "Edit Defaults". Look for "Jump Fall Land" and change to "MM_Unarmed_Jump_Fall_Land". Do the same for "ABP_UnarmedAnimLayers_Feminine"

Mixamo animations

Mixamo animation are used within this Lyra plugin. All rights belong to Adobe, usage is covered by https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/faq/mixamo-faq.html I use https://terribilisstudio.fr/ free Mixamo converter to convert the animations into Unreal - this fixes root motion and some finger/hand problems I added several dozen Mixamo animations to be used in the plugin already retargeted to Manny Skeleton

Gameplay Tags

All plugin specific tags can be found in YOUR_LYRA_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\Plugins\GameFeatures\BastianPlugin\Config\Tags\BastianPluginTags.ini On a general note, you have to follow with your own plugins exactly this pattern, naming your tag config file eactly as the plugin directory name for Lyra to load them

Creative Commons materials in this repository

I use assets here from Sketchfab that are licensed under Creative Commons Some recreate Fortnite skins: All rights on the original Fortnite skins are owned by Epic Games and are used here within the Epic Games Fan Art Policy If there is any asset that shouzld never have ended up on SketchFab, please immediately contact me to delete it at developer.bastian@gmail.com

All assets are individually presented on the Demo Map here in this plugin:




Epic Unreal components

I use various assets under license from Epic Games and bundle parts of them them with this repository:

Various open source components


This work itself is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Creative Commons License