
"Thought Experiment: Drawing a Pond Simulation" (a NashFP playground)

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Thought Experiment: Drawing a Pond Simulation

This NashFP playground is based on an ElixirForum post by James Edward Gray II (@JEG2).

I've been playing with several simulations for a while now, to learn more about how Elixir's processes work. Now I am cleaning up some ideas in preparation for a training at ElixirConf

...(omitted text)...

Here's the problem:

Draw a 64 lily pads wide by 128 lily pads high pond with 3,000 turtles and 3,000 frogs distributed randomly across them. No critter should share a pad. Each critter periodically counts surrounding neighbors of the same type. If the same type count is less than 30% of the total number of neighbors (up to eight), the critter will try to move to an open pad in a random direction, some random distance between one and five steps away.

While the experiment was posed as an Elixir challenge, it would be fun to see actor-model solutions in other FP languages too.


For this playground, build whatever parts you find fun and use your functional language of choice. Contribute your solution by adding a folder named {your twitter handle}+{your language} such as: /bryan_hunter+elixir

You can push your changes, but it's more fun to submit your solution via pull-request. Time to play!