
Infra: Add Hubot to BuildHost

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Infra: Add Hubot to BuildHost

I'll take a swing at this



@JacobSheppard here's what would need to be done for this:

  • Add an ECR repo for the hubot image in baseball/infra/stacks/base.json
  • Get a Packer build configuration working for the Hubot container, including steps to push to ECR (see ui/build/* for some supporting files that can probably be reused here).
  • Add a build for the hubot container to baseball/infra/jenkins/build.groovy which calls the necessary packer steps from above
  • Add an Nginx config for Hubot to the standard-aws setup on the BuildServer (Puppet code)
  • Add a new "hubot.json" and "" to infra/stacks which spec out the ECS Service for the running Hubot container (look at dev.json, as an example)
  • Add a deploy-HUBOT job to infra/jenkins/build.groovy which deploys the hubot.json cloudformation stack

We might want to add this to standard-aws instead of baseball:

That way it could be included in "any side project" made with standard-aws.