
TLS and Certificates

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi - I'm wondering if there's anything in the works for TLS and client certificate support for the KSQLAPI python module?

We've currently got a proof of concept python script that we're talking directly to KSQL via the request module due to requiring https/certificate support, but it would be nice to use your KSQLAPI module instead. I'm happy to have a go at figuring out what changes would need to be made to the KSQLAPI and submit it back (though I'm not a python developer so will need to be checked!).

@tyranneous would you mind sharing that python script you are currently using with the requests library? Our Kafka environment was using IP whitelist but now cert auth so my KSQL queries are not working.

much appreciated.

I will wait for @bryanyang0528 to review this but a fix should be coming soon. I would also expect a new release!