
Directory integration for user accounts

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Can we have directory integrations, for directories such as Microsoft Active Directory, added for to create user accounts for ODS?

An alternative to this could be to build in AD Security Group authorization as part of the web server configuration.


AD/LDAP integration can be done. How important is this feature be to orgs?

exno commented

It can be important if working in a team environment and. Trying to keep accountability. But I am going to work on a php/drupal management portal concept that would probably be better point for AD/ldap login.

I know in my organization LDAP Auth will be a requirement for the ability to discern who is actually making changes and I can see this being the case elsewhere too.

How important? Critical for us. We are unable to deploy any solution which requires local user accounts. So you have my +1.

This would be important for us. Everything goes through AD.

This is now on my Trello board and is the next item up after the file sync framework.