
Caravan Stuff

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There are a few things that I can think of here.

Before backend integration:

  • Work on JoinTrip (general UI for it)
  • Handle the situation of Caravan leader vs. follower in JourneyHome. Since only StartTrip has been implemented, JourneyHome will default to what I would call the Leader view, so we need to look into a Follower view
  • Voting system. We had planned on doing a voting system for adding stops to a route, I believe that we can work on this prior to backend integration (both from UI and from voice)

After backend integration:

  • Refine UIs based on data from database
  • Set up ability for JoinTrip to search for currently active routes based on some set of criteria that we can define

This might not be everything, but that's what I can think of. This will need to be Ryan, Gordie and Kevin.