
Highlighting of split

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The highligting of certain split statements with regular expressions is not correct.

my $string = 'aa, bb,cc, dd , ee';
my $result = [ split /\s*[,\s]\s*/, $string ];
say join ', ',$result->@*;

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 15 40 12

perl-navigator 0.5.1 2023-01-16
vscodium 1.85.1
perl v5.38.0

added this ticket just for reference once you decide to override default syntax highlighting

Thanks @maros! I think this is the most important Perl syntax highlighting issue in Perl textmate grammars. I'll elaborate:

There are a fixed set of words and characters that will start a regex if followed by a slash. Some examples (using github highlighting since it uses the same grammars):

print "good" if /foo/;  
print "good" unless /foo/;
print "good" if( /foo/ && /bar/ || /baz/ );
my $result = [ split /foo/, $string ];  # Broken highlighting

This is because of one TextMate line that specifies that / regexes start after (|{~$ , newline, and if/unless. That line is shown here:

That single line of TextMate generates lots of issues. Examples:

Regexes start after && but not after and: textmate/perl.tmbundle#32

Regexes don't start after split: textmate/perl.tmbundle#27 textmate/perl.tmbundle#28, textmate/perl.tmbundle#45,

Regexes don't start after grep: textmate/perl.tmbundle#21

Regexes don't start after =: textmate/perl.tmbundle#52, textmate/perl.tmbundle#44

Regexes incorrectly trigger on //= on newlines: textmate/perl.tmbundle#29

Regexes don't start after !: richterger/Perl-LanguageServer#192

I think a great start for improving syntax highlighting would be overriding the default highlighting and fixing just this one line. TextMate grammars will never be perfect, but this would be a great start.

Hi @maros, this is now resolved.


In addition to highlighting regexes correctly after split, it should also be fixed for all the other outstanding issues I mentioned above as well.

Some examples:

Additionally, I made a variety of other fixes while I was in there. For example, although %hash is a valid perl variable, hashes don't interpolate in strings or regex, unless a value is accessed. Other bug fixes as well shown below:
