
Non-static method 'consume' should not be called statically

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I am using below function to consume messages from rabbitmq queue.
My IDE is giving me a warning for consume method Non-static method 'consume' should not be called statically

Amqp::consume('queue-name', function ($message, $resolver) {



Hi @shwetatyagi22 ,

If you're using this with Laravel, the Consumer class can be injected to your controller function as it's registered as a provider.
This should be equally injectable in a command.

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Bschmitt\Amqp\Consumer;
use Bschmitt\Amqp\Amqp;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class MyCoolController extends Controller {
   public function myCoolEntryPoint(Request $request, Amqp $consumer) {
     $consumer->consume('myfancyqueue', function (AMQPMessage $message, Consumer $resolver) {
            $resolver->acknowledge($message); //ack message