
Make replicated-cache more configurable

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Please make the following configurable (in infinispan/cache-container):

  • replicated-cache
    • expiration
      • max-idle
      • life-span
      • interval


<cache-container name="bla" default-cache="blaCache" jndi-name="java:jboss/infinispan/container/bla" start="EAGER" module="">
    <transport stack="tcp" cluster="bla-cache-cluster" lock-timeout="60000"/>
    <replicated-cache name="blaCache" batching="true" mode="SYNC">
        <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
        <eviction strategy="NONE" max-entries="1000"/>
        <expiration max-idle="600000" lifespan="288000000" interval="500"/>


This should already work. Look at the new example for infinispan under testscripts. The trick is:

replicated-cache => {
expiration => {
max-idle => ...

That is: use the additional object EXPIRATION for expiration, EVICTION for eviction, and LOCKING for locking, Names have to be those, it doesn't accept any other name.