
Put together some CSV files into a single Excel file, in different sheets.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Put together some CSV files into a single Excel file, in different sheets.


You can install directly after cloning:

$ python setup.py install --user

Or use the Python package:

$ pip install --user csv2xls


Outside the standard library, the xlwt package is needed, and should be automatically installed with setuptools. Otherwise:

$ pip install --user xlwt


$ csv2xls examples/sheet_alpha.csv examples/sheet_beta.csv -o output.xls
Processing       examples/sheet_alpha.csv -> output.xls/alpha
Processing        examples/sheet_beta.csv -> output.xls/beta


$ csv2xls -h
usage: csv2xls [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-c] [-d DELIMITER] [-q QUOTECHAR] [-n]
               [-D FORMAT] [-k]
               files [files ...]

Put together some CSV files into a single Excel file. Basic types are inferred

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Define name for output Excel file. Default is
  -c, --clean           Delete input files afterwards, if successful.
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Change row delimiter. Default is ",".
  -q QUOTECHAR, --quotechar QUOTECHAR
                        Change quoting character. Default way of quoting is
                        "that is, quoted".
  -n, --no-type-inference
                        Do not try to infer int/float/date when writing. This
                        mode is faster and preserves input data.
  -D FORMAT, --date-format FORMAT
                        Change date format used during date type inference.
                        Default is "%Y-%m-%d".
  -k, --keep-prefix     Keep common prefix when building sheet names. Default
                        is to remove the common prefix of input file names.

Example: csv2xls examples/sheet_alpha.csv examples/sheet_beta.csv


To run the tests, you must install xls2txt:

$ git clone https://github.com/hroptatyr/xls2txt.git
$ cd xls2txt
$ make
$ sudo make install

Then run:

$ ./tests.sh