
Doesn't work on UDP for big messages

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It's just a topic for a discussion.

If I try to send a large message then it doesn't fit to MTU. This is from tcpdump:

10:35:03.216961 IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.55505 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.3535: UDP, bad length 1914 > 1472

However it doesn't seems to be the problem of this project. It seems to be a problem of used net.Conn… Or UDP just cannot be used for large messages in logstash at all.

So the question: what is the simplest way (if exists) to use this plugin over UDP?

boaz0 commented

Hi @xaionaro

Unfortunately, I don't know any good net.Conn implementation.
Maybe goautosocket can give a good idea how to implement such a thing for UDP?