
a model base providing some convenient features for building bookshelf models.

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Bookshelf.js is awesome. However, we found ourselves extending bookshelf.Model for the same reasons over and over - parsing and formatting (to and from DB) niceties, adding timestamps, and validating data on save, for example. Since these are problems you'll likely have to solve for most use cases of Bookshelf, it made sense to provide a convenient set of core model features.

Please note

  • bookshelf-modelbase will not force you to use it for all your models. If you want to use it for some and not others, nothing bad will happen.

  • bookshelf-modelbase requires you to pass in an initialized instance of bookshelf, meaning that you can configure bookshelf however you please. Outside of overriding bookshelf.Model, there is nothing you can do to your bookshelf instance that will break bookshelf-modelbase.


  • Adds timestamps (created_at and updated_at)

  • Validate own attributes on save using Joi. You can pass in a validation object as a class attribute when you extend bookshelf-modelbase - see below for usage.

  • Naive CRUD methods - findAll, findOne, findOrCreate, create, update, and destroy


var db        = require(knex)(require('./knexfile'));
var bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(db);
var Joi = require('joi');
// Pass an initialized bookshelf instance
var ModelBase = require('bookshelf-modelbase')(bookshelf);
// Or initialize as a bookshelf plugin

var User = ModelBase.extend({
  tableName: 'users',

  // validation is passed to Joi.object(), so use a raw object
  validate: {
    firstName: Joi.string()

User.create({ firstName: 'Grayson' })
.then(function () {
  return User.findOne({ firstName: 'Grayson' }, { require: true });
.then(function (grayson) {
  // passes patch: true to .save() by default
  return User.update({ firstName: 'Basil' }, { id: grayson.id });
.then(function (basil) {
  return User.destroy({ id: basil.id });
.then(function () {
  return User.findAll();
.then(function (collection) {
  console.log(collection.models.length); // => 0



 * Insert a model based on data
 * @param {Object} data
 * @param {Object} [options] Options for model.save
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)}
create: function (data, options) {
  return this.forge(data).save(null, options);


 * Destroy a model by id
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {String|Integer} options.id The id of the model to destroy
 * @param {Boolean} [options.require=false]
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} empty model
destroy: function (options) {
  options = extend({ require: true }, options);
  return this.forge({ [this.prototype.idAttribute]: options.id })


 * Select a collection based on a query
 * @param {Object} [query]
 * @param {Object} [options] Options used of model.fetchAll
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Collection)} Bookshelf Collection of Models
findAll: function (filter, options) {
  return this.forge().where(extend({}, filter)).fetchAll(options);


 * Find a model based on it's ID
 * @param {String} id The model's ID
 * @param {Object} [options] Options used of model.fetch
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)}
findById: function (id, options) {
  return this.findOne({ [this.prototype.idAttribute]: id }, options);


 * Select a model based on a query
 * @param {Object} [query]
 * @param {Object} [options] Options for model.fetch
 * @param {Boolean} [options.require=false]
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)}
findOne: function (query, options) {
  options = extend({ require: true }, options);
  return this.forge(query).fetch(options);


  * Select a model based on data and insert if not found
  * @param {Object} data
  * @param {Object} [options] Options for model.fetch and model.save
  * @param {Object} [options.defaults] Defaults to apply to a create
  * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} single Model
findOrCreate: function (data, options) {
  return this.findOne(data, extend(options, { require: false }))
    .then(function (model) {
      var defaults = options && options.defaults;
      return model || this.create(extend(defaults, data), options);


 * Update a model based on data
 * @param {Object} data
 * @param {Object} options Options for model.fetch and model.save
 * @param {String|Integer} options.id The id of the model to update
 * @param {Boolean} [options.patch=true]
 * @param {Boolean} [options.require=true]
 * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)}
update: function (data, options) {
  options = extend({ patch: true, require: true }, options);
  return this.forge({ [this.prototype.idAttribute]: options.id }).fetch(options)
    .then(function (model) {
      return model ? model.save(data, options) : undefined;


 * Select a model based on data and update if found, insert if not found
 * @param {Object} selectData Data for select
 * @param {Object} updateData Data for update
 * @param {Object} [options] Options for model.save
upsert: function (selectData, updateData, options) {
  return this.findOne(selectData, extend(options, { require: false }))
    .then(function (model) {
      return model
        ? model.save(
          extend({ patch: true, method: 'update' }, options)
        : this.create(
          extend(selectData, updateData),
          extend(options, { method: 'insert' })