
does not work well if you have oculus and steam version installed

DerKorb opened this issue · 4 comments

I have both versions installed (got steam version to play around with mixed reality). The installer detected the steam version first, i changed the path but it never worked even after removing steam version and reinstalling oculus version. I always wondered about debug platform info. Now, after a hour of trying tons and stuff I found out I had to edit the platform in the config.

I can add an option to change the platform setting within the Mod Manager.

i changed the path but it never worked even after removing steam version and reinstalling oculus version

When you say it never worked, do you mean that it simply wasn't installing mods onto the Oculus version at all? Even after changing the path to point to the Oculus install, it wasn't installing mods there?

It installed the mods to the right path, and i think some of them worked (I had smooth camera settings in the menu). But I guess it downloaded the steam version of the songloader (if there are different versions at all), so custom songs never showed up. An option in the mod manager would have helped, also maybe redetect the platform when changing the path.

The only platform specific mod is ScoreSaber. The smooth camera options are part of the base game, that isn't a mod. Camera+ adds additional camera options, but they are accessible through a right click menu on the game window.

If SongLoader wasn't working, it's possible none of the mods were working, and they weren't getting installed to the right directory. If you selected the correct path, then it should have been at least installing the mods and running IPA to patch the game.

For anyone else having this issue and wants to force the platform to Oculus:

  1. Go to the Options tab in the Mod Manager, and click on "OPEN SETTINGS FOLDER"
  2. Open the user.config file in a text editor
  3. Changing the "Platform" setting in the config file to 2 instead of 1

Like this

<setting name="Platform" serializeAs="String">