
Translation page: wiki/fr/support/

wiki-update-tracker opened this issue ยท 0 comments

๐Ÿ“‘ Translation update

Since wiki/fr/support/ was last updated, changes have been detected in the original wiki page wiki/support/ it is based on.

Please update the translation here accordingly, respecting contribution guidelines.

๐Ÿ“Š Workload

Calculated changes made to the original file wiki/support/ (as lines):

+ 1 additions
- 1 deletions
! 2 total lines updated

๐Ÿ”ง Translation tools

You can choose one of the following options to help you see what changed:

  1. Use this Github comparison and find the comparison on the file wiki/support/
  2. OR use Diffchecker web version. Copy/paste this original text in the left field and this changed text in the right field, then press "Find Difference".
  3. OR simply use the detailed patch below.

Detailed additions and deletions on wiki/support/

@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Deleting the Appdata folder will also delete your local scores and statistics.
 ## 5. Still having issues
 If this page doesn't cover the bases, then feel free to ask a question in the discord! To increase the chance that you'll have your questions answered, consider the following:
-* Use the correct channels please, most likely one of the 2 `#support` channels for mod troubleshooting. Use  `#model-discussion` for questions about **making your own avatars, platforms, notes, or sabers**, and `#mapping-discussion` for questions about **making maps.**
+* Use the correct channels please, `#pc-help` for pc mod support and `#quest-help` for quest mod support. Use  `#pc-modeling` and `#quest-asset-dev` for questions about **making your own avatars, platforms, notes, or sabers**, and `#mapping-discussion` for questions about **making maps.**
 * Be polite and respectful
 * Describe your problem in detail. "It didn't work" is about as descriptive as telling your doctor you don't feel well. What's not working, and what did you try? Are there any messages that come up on screen? Did your entire screen turn bright purple?