
Malformed unicode characters

karol-bujacek opened this issue · 13 comments

I have tried to deploy documentation to the Confluence and I have noticed that unicode characters were malformed, see attached pictures.



I have got the same results (question mark in a black rectangle) also for markdown source files and for both cloud Confluence and server (7.4.11). I have tried to use <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> in plugin configuration (in pom.xml) but the result is the same.

My configuration:



    parentPageTitle: "(.........)"
    name: "Documentation"

      - name: test wiki markup
        uri: test/

And page file

h2. Hello world

lorem ipsum

nejaké špeciálne znaky?

diakritika čučoriedka, soľ, žriebä


I do not know what other configuration parameters or versions may be relevant to this issue.

Hi @karol-bujacek

Thank for feedback I'll investigate on asap

Hi @karol-bujacek

I've replicated your case and tested it with plugin 7.2.3 on confluence 7.6.3 (my test instance) and it works well.

Have you checked the confluence general configuration ?


@bsorrentino , it is set to UTF-8 on cloud Confluence.

I will ask some colleague to reproduce the problem (and check if it is OS / environment related).

I also tried another plugin ( which deploy pages with Unicode characters without any problems (both cloud and server Confluence).

@karol-bujacek that is strange

from my perspective It is hard to fix something that work well

However my test is here with the follow configuration


        mvn confluence-reporting:deploy@issue261
        mvn confluence-reporting:delete@issue261



I have the same problem. Once I changed the encoding of my .md File to ISO-8859-1 and wrote the special chars (In my case german Umlauts äöü) with the ISO-8859-1 char, it worked, despite setting the encoding to UTF-8 in my pom.xml

I'm publishing currently from my windows pc with the git bash, but the environment ist defined as declare -x LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"

But my assumption is, it might have to do something with the system from which you are deploying.

Once I added export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-"Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" to my script before running maven, everything works.

So I assume, at some places the encoding property is ignored at the platform default is used. So it might be reproducable to have two executions - one with a ISO-8859-1 encoding and one with a UTF-8 encoding. I would be suprised if both works on the same machine

Hi @limdul79 thanks for feedback

Probably you right, I've to identify in the publish workflow if there are some steps where the provided encoding is ignored

Hi @limdul79

Seems that the problem could be related to a bus on minitemplator project

I gonna to fix that

Hi @limdul79

I've deployed dev release 7.4-SNAPSHOT with a fix

could you take a chance to test it and let me know ?

Thanks in advance

I will try next week, when I'm back at work.

I can confirm, it works. No I have the correct uniform characters even if I deploy from mein windows machine.

Thank so much @limdul79

I'll deploy a new release soon

fix released in version 7.4