
If you have any wierd behaviour with RootNote data I'm sharing an excerpt from my source code here.

alisomay opened this issue ยท 4 comments

impl TryFrom<u8> for RootNote {
    type Error = ConversionError;

    // TODO:
    // When a pattern is sent (or maybe something else happens) the notes are between 0 and 11
    // But by default they are between 96 and 108
    // This indicates probably a flag encoding somewhere in the data.
    // I'm a bit lazy to figure out what it is, so I'm just going to do a quick hack here.
    // But if a lost flag is waiting to be discovered in this context one can start analyzing this behaviour.
    fn try_from(note: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match note {
            0 | 96 => Ok(Self::C),
            1 | 97 => Ok(Self::CSharp),
            2 | 98 => Ok(Self::D),
            3 | 99 => Ok(Self::EFlat),
            4 | 100 => Ok(Self::E),
            5 | 101 => Ok(Self::F),
            6 | 102 => Ok(Self::FSharp),
            7 | 103 => Ok(Self::G),
            8 | 104 => Ok(Self::GSharp),
            9 | 105 => Ok(Self::A),
            10 | 107 => Ok(Self::BFlat),
            11 | 108 => Ok(Self::B),
            _ => Err(ConversionError::Range {
                value: note.to_string(),
                type_name: "RootNote".into(),

When do you see those 0..11 notes ? this is how it looks on my (mk1) AR (using the prt debug command in my editor):

[FUNC+PLAY] (clear pattern), then set trig on track 1 / step 1 (default note=C-3):

[dbg] handleCmdReadPatternTrig: stepIdx=0 trig=$0381 note=127(127) vel=255(127) dur=255 mic=0 rlen=46 rrat=9 rvel=0 cond=127

p-lock step 1 to note C#3:

[dbg] handleCmdReadPatternTrig: stepIdx=0 trig=$0381 note=61(61) vel=255(127) dur=255 mic=0 rlen=46 rrat=9 rvel=0 cond=127

p-lock step 1 to note C-4:

[dbg] handleCmdReadPatternTrig: stepIdx=0 trig=$0381 note=72(72) vel=255(127) dur=255 mic=0 rlen=46 rrat=9 rvel=0 cond=127

i.e. initially the note is set to 127 (with the MSB condition bit masked out) which means "use the track's default note".

p-locking the note sets it to the (MIDI?) note number, e.g. 61 = (5*12)+1 = C#3, or 72 = (6*12) = C-4
(the AR seems to use the Yamaha "Middle C" notation, i.e. middle C = C-3)

This does not look like there are any more hidden flags.

p.s.: I just merged your pull requests (sry for the delay. the ctrl_in_* fields seem to be mkII only, couldn't find them on my mk1)

on second thought: you are talking about the pad scale root note, not the trigs, right ?

sU8     root_note;                   /* @0x0284            <ali> Root Note 96..107 From C to B                                  */

speaking of which, the previously unknown 0x332C byte stores the pad scale "per pattern" flag:

sU8                pad_scale_per_pattern; /* @0x332C            1=apply to all tracks, 0=apply only to current track */

=> pattern.h

last but not least, and to solve the mystery of the unknown root_note bits:

sU8  root_note;  /* @0x0284 <ali> bits 0..3: Root Note 0..11 (C..B) bits 4..7: pad row offset (0..9, def=6) */

=> pattern.h