
As a lifter, I want Ironlog to build workouts for me based on a selected template, so that I don't have to do the work of filling in every lift myself.

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Currently, a lifter needs to build their workout by hand. They are required to create a workout with a selected date, and then they need to fill in exercises for Warmup, Main, Supplemental, and Assistance.

We need to improve this experience by adding the concept of a workout creation workflow. A lifter should be able to select a workout date and a workout template, and then the template dictates what lifts get filled in for the various exercise types.

Currently, we will only support the FSL 5x5 AMRAP template. We can expand to other templates in the future.

This might also require "tagging" certain lifts as "main, warmup" etc., so that the template knows which lifts are eligible for which portions of the workout flow.

A lifter will:

  1. select a template
  2. select a "main lift" for that template
  3. select a date for the workout

Ironlog will then populate the workout for the chosen date using the given workout flow template and main lift.