
Unknown error in Rtsne

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I'm trying to run a spectral initialization on Twitter data to find K in R. This is the EXACT same code I used about a year ago with no problem.

Here is the code and the error message:

tweet_lda <- stm::stm(tweetDTM,
K = 0,
verbose = TRUE,
init.type = "Spectral",

Beginning Spectral Initialization
Calculating the gram matrix...
Finding anchor words...
Initializing tSNE with PCA...
Using tSNE to project to a low-dimensional space...
Error in tsneAnchor(Q, verbose = verbose, init.dims = settings$init$tSNE_init.dims, :
an unknown error has occured in Rtsne

I have also tried using the control parameter as suggested by someone else (#236) with no success. Would really appreciate any help!