
Integration-Tests is running before Application is running

hupling opened this issue · 4 comments

How do you know that the Mock-Server and Application has started before the integration-test is running?

sh '/bin/bash -c "mvn -s ../configuration/settings.xml -B clean test"'

As I remember Jenkins waits for all the containers to reach the ready state before executing the stages. So it's important to have proper readinessProbe for each to avoid an early test execution.

After about 100 secondes unhealthy state the pod will be killed. A new pod will be created and starts. The problem is that my application needs more than 100 seconds to start. The config for the readiness probe settings is 60 *10 =600 seconds.

Pods are restarted because of the "livenessProbe" not the "readinessProbe". If livenessProbe is not set for any of the containers, then they are restarted because of another reason. Maybe the memory limits are reached, because -Xmx was not set for a java process?
Just right after the Pod is killed, the status may indicate why it was stopped.

Thank you very much. I think that I need to put the slaveConnectTimeout higher. I didn't know that you can add the parameter easily.