
Mail 13.4 disables plug-in unless System Integrity Protection is disabled

dpesetsky opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for the plug-in, which has been a big help until now! Since updating to MacOS 10.15.5 and Mail Version 13.4, MBI disables itself when Mail starts up. (I did do the UUID update that you mention here.) Disabling System Integrity Protection via "csrutil disable" allows it to work again, but the minute I re-enable it, the problem re-emerges.

As you can see, I know enough to troubleshoot the problem to some extent, but not enough to fix it. Can you help?

(The instructions for finding the UUID no longer work either, but I believe I successfully found it by looking inside info.plist in Mail itself.)

I don't see this behavior on my macOS 10.15.5 installation, but Catalina is well known to have problems with its

Here is some links that may be useful in your situation: