
Convert coordinates in the RD/NAP 2008 to ETRS89

Primary LanguageC++


This gem converts points in the RD/NAP 2008 format to ETRS89. It handles batches of points.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rd_nap_to_etrs'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rd_nap_to_etrs

Use inside your ruby program

Initialize like:

point = RdNapToEtrs::Point.new(x: 117380.1200, y: 575040.3400, nap: 1)
batch =  RdNapToEtrs::Batch.new
batch.trans2008 [point]

# Now the lat, lng and h values of the point are set

point.lat #=> 53.160753042
point.lng #=> 4.824761912
point.h   #=> 42.8614

Command line

There is also a command line tool for converting coordinates: (x, y, nap)

rd_nap_to_etrs 117380.1200 575040.3400 1.0000

will result in (latitude, longitude, h):

53.160753041771386 4.824761912426986 42.86140355819891

on the command line

See the WikiPedia page for more info on the coordinate system.