
A convenience wrapper around CouchDB (using CouchPotato) that supports relations and S3 attachments

Primary LanguageRubyISC LicenseISC

Convenience layer for CouchDB on top of CouchPotato.

Build Status

SimplyStored allows you to persist your objects to CouchDB using an ActiveRecord-like syntax.

In contrast to CouchPotato (on top of it is build) it supports associations and other syntactic sugar that makes ActiveRecord so appealing.

SimplyStored has also support for S3 attachments.

See also RockingChair on how to speed-up your unit tests by using an in-memory CouchDB backend.

More examples on how to work with SimplyStored can be found here

This fork

This fork of SimplyStored adds some extras to the standard version. A list of this is:

  • Pagination, use: Person.all(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 40) out of the box
  • Namespace support, there is working namespace support. It is still in the child phase, but works for me
  • Embedded documents. Embed documents but the orm should just work similar (Speedup choice)
  • Include relations, Advanced relation including, reducing number of queries (Huge speedup for relations)
  • Ancestry for tree structures
  • Multi-database support
  • Rails 3.1, ruby 1.9.2 tested
  • Moving towards ActiveModel, phasing out other/older libraries


Add the following to your bundle file gem 'simply_stored', :git => 'git://github.com/bterkuile/simply_stored.git'

Using with Rails

Create a config/couchdb.yml:

default: &default
  validation_framework: :active_model # optional
  split_design_documents_per_view: true # optional

  <<: *default
  database: http://localhost:5984/development_db
  <<: *default
  database: http://localhost:5984/test_db
  <<: *default
  database: <%= ENV['DB_NAME'] %>

Rails 3.1.x

Add to your Gemfile:

# gem 'rails' # we don't want to load activerecord so we can't require rails
gem 'railties'
gem 'actionpack'
gem 'actionmailer'
gem 'activemodel'
gem 'simply_stored', :require => 'simply_stored/couch'

Please also see the installation info of CouchPotato


Require SimplyStored:

require 'simply_stored'
CouchPotato::Config.database_name = "http://example.com:5984/name_of_the_db"

From now on you can define classes that use SimplyStored.


SimplyStored auto-generates views for you and handles all the serialization and de-serialization stuff.

class User
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :login
  property :age
  property :accepted_terms_of_service, :type => :boolean
  property :last_login, :type => Time

user = User.new(:login => 'Bert', :age => 12, :accepted_terms_of_service => true, :last_login = Time.now)

# => 'Bert'

# => [user]

class Post
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :title
  property :body

  belongs_to :user

class User
  has_many :posts

post = Post.create(:title => 'My first post', :body => 'SimplyStored is so nice!', :user => user)

# => [post]

Post.find_all_by_title_and_user_id('My first post', user.id).first.body
# => 'SimplyStored is so nice!'


user.posts(:force_reload => true)
# => []


The supported associations are: belongs_to, has_one, has_many, has_many :through, and has_and_belongs_to_many:

class Post
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :title
  property :body

  has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :users, :through => :posts
  belongs_to :user

class Comment
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :body

  belongs_to :post
  belongs_to :user

post = Post.create(:title => 'Look ma!', :body => 'I can have comments')

mike = User.create(:login => 'mike')
mikes_comment = Comment.create(:user => mike, :post => post, :body => 'Wow, comments are nice')

john = User.create(:login => 'john')
johns_comment = Comment.create(:user => john, :post => post, :body => 'They are indeed')

# => [mikes_comment, johns_comment]

post.comments(:order => :desc)
# => [johns_comment, mikes_comment]

post.comments(:limit => 1)
# => [mikes_comment]

# => 2

# => [mike, john]

# => 2

n:m relations where the IDs are stored on one part as an array:

class Server
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :hostname

  has_and_belongs_to_many :networks, :storing_keys => true

class Network
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :klass

  has_and_belongs_to_many :servers, :storing_keys => false

network = Network.create(:klass => "A")
server = Server.new(:hostname => 'www.example.com')
server.network_ids # => [network.id]
network.servers # => [server]
server.networks # => [network]

The array property holding the IDs of the other item will be used to constuct two view to lookup the other part. Soft deleting is only supported on the class holding the IDs.

Custom Associations

class Document
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
  belongs_to :updater, :class_name => "User"

d = Document.new
d.creator = User.first


Validations are handled by ActiveModel, There are two exceptions:

  1. The uniqueness validator
  2. The containment validator

The containment validator checks wether an array property is contained within a specified set

class Page
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :categories

  validates_containment_of :categories, in: %[one two three]

Page.new.valid? #=> true
Page.new(categories: %w[one three]).valid? #=> true
Page.new(categories: %w[one four]).valid? #=> false

S3 Attachments

SimplyStored supports storing large attachments in Amazon S3. It uses RightAWS for the interaction with the EC2 API:

class Log
  include SimplyStored::Couch
  has_s3_attachment :data, :bucket => 'the-bucket-name',
                           :access_key => 'my-AWS-key-id',
                           :secret_access_key => 'psst!-secret',
                           :location => :eu,
                           :after_delete => :delete,
                           :logger => Logger.new('/dev/null')


log = Log.new
log.data = File.read('/var/log/messages')
# => true

# => 11238132

This will create an item on S3 in the specified bucket. The item will use the ID of the log object as the key and the body will be the data attribute. This way you can store big files outside of CouchDB.

Soft delete

SimplyStored also has support for "soft deleting" - much like acts_as_paranoid. Items will then not be deleted but only marked as deleted. This way you can recover them later.

NOTE: Not tested for a long time (@bterkuile 2014-11-10)

class Document
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :title
  enable_soft_delete # will use :deleted_at attribute by default

doc = Document.create( title: 'secret project info' )
Document.find_all_by_title('secret project info')
# => [doc]


Document.find_all_by_title('secret project info')
# => []

Document.find_all_by_title('secret project info', with_deleted: true)
# => [doc]

CouchDB - Auto resolution of conflicts on save

SimplyStored now by default retries conflicted save operations if it is possible to resolve the conflict. Solving the conflict means that if updated were done one different attributes the local object will refresh those attributes and try to save again. This will be tried two times by default. Afterwards the conflict exception will be re-raised.

This feature can be controlled on the class level like this: User.auto_conflict_resolution_on_save = true | false

If auto_conflict_resolution_on_save is enabled, something like this will work:

class Document
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :title
  property :content

original = Document.create(:title => 'version 1', :content => 'Hi there')

other_client = Document.find(original.id)

original.title = 'version 2'

other_client.content = 'A better version'
other_client.save!  # -> this line would fail without auto_conflict_resolution_on_save

# => 'version 2'


Ancestry is the ability to use tree formed structures. Since CouchDB is a map/reduce system, creating tree structures is a different technique than the ones apply by nested set like solution. Given the parent_id approach and many requests to the server always works, it is far from ideal. Instead this approach uses map reduce to help with fancy queries. Here a short overview:

Example ancestry model, a nested directory structure:

class Directory
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  property :name


The has_ancestry adds two properties:

  • path_ids giving the ids of all the parents
  • position indicating the position within the siblings

Do not edit these properties directly!

Fetching the full directory structure at once:

directories = Directory.full_tree # Loads all pages from database and organizes them into a tree
directories.each do |directory|
  puts directory.tree_depth #=> 0

  # subdirectories in the children attribute
  directory.children.each do |subdirectory|
    puts subdirectory.tree_depth #=> 1

Fetching all descendants of a specific directory:

Directory.roots #=> [Array with directories not having a parent, can be handy for website menus]
directory  = Directory.find("dir-Pictures")
directory.descendants #=> [all directories below as a flattened array]
directory.subtree #=> [array of children of the directory, but with full subtree already fetched]

Fetching ancestors parents

directory.parent_ids #=> [array of ids of the parents]
directory.parents #=> [optimized getter for parent objects as array]
directory.ancestors #=> alias for parents


Creating the tree structure can be done by setting parent or children:

dir1_1.parent = dir1
dir1_1.parent_id = dir1.iod
dir1.children = [dir1_1]
dir1.add_child dir1_1

Scoping by other property

When you want a different tree for a different language in your website, you might want to use ancesty as well. Different languages have different trees however. This is supported:

class Page
  include SimplyStored::Couch

  has_ancestry by_property: :locale

Now trees are scoped by the local column. The cmtool cms makes use of this feature.

Bonus an example used together with the cmtool cms to build a zurb-foundation menu in slim:

.fixed: nav.top-bar.fixed data-topbar="" role="navigation"
    ul.left= render partial: "application/menu_item", collection: Page.full_tree

having app/views/application/_menu_item.html.slim

- if menu_item.in_menu?
  - if menu_item.children.any?
      a href=page_path(menu_item.name) = menu_item.title.presence || menu_item.name
      ul.dropdown= render partial: 'application/menu_item', collection: menu_item.children
  - else
      a href=page_path(menu_item.name) = menu_item.title.presence || menu_item.name


SimplyStored is licensed under the OpenBSD / two-clause BSD license, modeled after the ISC license. See LICENSE.txt


SimplyStored was written by Mathias Meyer and Jonathan Weiss for Peritor.