
False negative when tests are run under a debugger

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Node (see nodejs/node#34799) emits console output when running tests under a debugger (e.g. VS Code's IDE debugger).

Debugger attached.\n is emitted at the beginning of the test, and Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...\n is emitted at the end.

test262-harness reports this as a test failure. I assume this is because "no console output" is considered a success while "some output" is considered a failure?

We can work around it (e.g. tc39/proposal-temporal#1812) but it might be better to work around it here.

Here's the code I've proposed for Temporal's workaround:

    if (result.message === 'Debugger attached.\nWaiting for the debugger to disconnect...\n') {
      // work around when running tests in the debugger
      result.message = '';
      result.pass = true;