I am trying to return an error but the error is not being propagated
macrigiuseppe opened this issue · 0 comments
macrigiuseppe commented
While using a bimap with success and error callbacks and I try to use the error callback from within the task:
/* Action calling tasks */
export const loadFilesUpdater = (state, action) => {
const {files} = action;
const filesToLoad = files.map(fileBlob => processFileToLoad(fileBlob));
// reader -> parser -> augment -> receiveVisData
const loadFileTasks = [
results => {
const data = results.reduce((f, c) => ({
// using concat here because the current datasets could be an array or a single item
datasets: f.datasets.concat(c.datasets),
// we need to deep merge this thing unless we find a better solution
// this case will only happen if we allow to load multiple keplergl json files
config: {
...(c.config || {})
}), {datasets: [], config: {}, options: {centerMap: true}});
return loadFilesSuccess(data);
error => loadFilesErr(error)
return withTask(
visState: {
fileLoading: true
/* Load file Task */
export const LOAD_FILE_TASK = taskCreator(
({fileBlob, info, handler, processor}, success, error) =>
handler(fileBlob, processor)
.then(result => {
!result ?
error(new Error('Result is empty'))
: result.datasets ?
: success({datasets: {data: result, info}});
.catch(err => error(err)),
the bimap error callback is not being called.
But if i do the following
the callback is being called correctly with null as paramenter.
I was digging around the react-palm code and i found out if I try to use the error callback with a non-null param the flow is being stopped here:
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