
Setup Gitlab Runner on cluster using terraform

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform Kubernetes Gitlab-Runner Module

Setup Gitlab Runner on cluster using terraform. The runner is installed via the Gitlab Runner Helm Chart

Ensure Kubernetes Provider and Helm Provider settings are correct https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/kubernetes/latest/docs/guides/getting-started#provider-setup


module "gitlab_runner" {
  source                    = "DeimosCloud/gitlab-runner/kubernetes"
  release_name              = "${var.project_name}-runner-${var.environment}"
  runner_tags               = var.runner_tags
  runner_registration_token = var.runner_registration_token
  default_runner_image      = var.default_runner_image
  namespace                 = var.gitlab_runner_namespace

  # Pass annotations to service account. This can be for workload/pod/ identity
  service_account_annotations = {
    "iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account" = module.workload_identity["gitlab-runner"].gcp_service_account_email

  # Use Local cache on Kubernetes nodes
  use_local_cache     = true

  # Mount docker socket instead of using docker-in-docker
  mount_docker_socket = true

  depends_on = [module.gke_cluster, module.gke_node_pool]

Custom Values

To pass in custom values use the var.values input which specifies a map of values in terraform map format or var.values_file which specifies a path containing a valid yaml values file to pass to the Chart


Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.

Full contributing guidelines are covered here.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
helm >= 1.3
kubernetes >= 1.13


Name Version
helm 2.5.1


No modules.


Name Type
helm_release.gitlab_runner resource


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_secrets additional secrets to mount into the manager pods list(map(string)) [] no
atomic whether to deploy the entire module as a unit bool true no
build_dir Path on nodes for caching string null no
build_job_default_container_image Default container image to use for builds when none is specified string "ubuntu:18.04" no
build_job_limits The CPU allocation given to and the requested for build containers map(any)
"cpu": "2",
"memory": "1Gi"
build_job_mount_docker_socket Path on nodes for caching bool false no
build_job_node_selectors A map of node selectors to apply to the pods map {} no
build_job_node_tolerations A map of node tolerations to apply to the pods as defined https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/kubernetes.html#other-configtoml-settings map {} no
build_job_pod_annotations A map of annotations to be added to each build pod created by the Runner. The value of these can include environment variables for expansion. Pod annotations can be overwritten in each build. map {} no
build_job_pod_labels A map of labels to be added to each build pod created by the runner. The value of these can include environment variables for expansion. map {} no
build_job_privileged Run all containers with the privileged flag enabled. This will allow the docker:dind image to run if you need to run Docker bool false no
build_job_requests The CPU allocation given to and the requested for build containers map(any)
"cpu": "1",
"memory": "512Mi"
build_job_run_container_as_user SecurityContext: runAsUser for all running job pods string null no
build_job_secret_volumes Secret volume configuration instructs Kubernetes to use a secret that is defined in Kubernetes cluster and mount it inside of the containes as defined https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/kubernetes.html#secret-volumes
name = string
mount_path = string
read_only = string
items = map(string)
"items": {},
"mount_path": null,
"name": null,
"read_only": null
cache Describes the properties of the cache. type can be either of ['local', 'gcs', 's3', 'azure'], path defines a path to append to the bucket url, shared specifies whether the cache can be shared between runners. you also specify the individual properties of the particular cache type you select. see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnerscache-section
type = string
path = string
shared = bool
gcs = map(any)
s3 = map(any)
azure = map(any)
"azure": {},
"gcs": {},
"path": "",
"s3": {},
"shared": false,
"type": "local"
chart_version The version of the chart string "0.40.1" no
concurrent Configure the maximum number of concurrent jobs number 10 no
create_namespace (Optional) Create the namespace if it does not yet exist. Defaults to false. bool true no
create_service_account If true, the service account, it's role and rolebinding will be created, else, the service account is assumed to already be created bool true no
docker_fs_group The fsGroup to use for docker. This is added to security context when mount_docker_socket is enabled number 412 no
gitlab_url The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that want to register the runner against string "https://gitlab.com/" no
image_pull_secrets A array of secrets that are used to authenticate Docker image pulling. list(string) [] no
local_cache_dir Path on nodes for caching string "/tmp/gitlab/cache" no
manager_node_selectors A map of node selectors to apply to the pods map {} no
manager_node_tolerations A map of node tolerations to apply to the pods as defined https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/kubernetes.html#other-configtoml-settings map {} no
manager_pod_annotations A map of annotations to be added to each build pod created by the Runner. The value of these can include environment variables for expansion. Pod annotations can be overwritten in each build. map {} no
manager_pod_labels A map of labels to be added to each build pod created by the runner. The value of these can include environment variables for expansion. map {} no
namespace n/a string "gitlab-runner" no
release_name The helm release name string "gitlab-runner" no
replicas the number of manager pods to create number 1 no
run_untagged_jobs Specify if jobs without tags should be run. https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/runners/#runner-is-allowed-to-run-untagged-jobs bool false no
runner_image The docker gitlab runner version. https://hub.docker.com/r/gitlab/gitlab-runner/tags/ string null no
runner_locked Specify whether the runner should be locked to a specific project/group string true no
runner_name name of the runner string n/a yes
runner_registration_token runner registration token string n/a yes
runner_tags Specify the tags associated with the runner. Comma-separated list of tags. string n/a yes
runner_token token of already registered runer. to use this var.runner_registration_token must be set to null string null no
service_account The name of the Service account to create string "gitlab-runner" no
service_account_annotations The annotations to add to the service account map {} no
service_account_clusterwide_access Run the gitlab-bastion container with the ability to deploy/manage containers of jobs cluster-wide or only within namespace bool false no
unregister_runners whether runners should be unregistered when pool is deprovisioned bool true no
values Additional values to be passed to the gitlab-runner helm chart map {} no
values_file Path to Values file to be passed to gitlab-runner helm chart string null no


Name Description
chart_version The chart version
namespace The namespace gitlab-runner was deployed in
release_name The helm release name