
no indentation in compiled code

mlarese opened this issue · 2 comments

having some problems compiling my source i tryed in "Try mamouth" page to copy some example code

abstract class AbstractClass
  abstract protected func getValue()
  abstract protected func prefixValue(prefix)

  public func printOut ->
    echo this.getValue() <-> "\n"


abstract class AbstractClass {
abstract protected function getValue();
abstract protected function prefixValue($prefix);
public function printOut() { echo $this->getValue()."\n"; }

as you can see the code is not well formatted (no indentation)

any help
I'm using the last release 2.0.1

The current mammouth version doesn't format ouput (PHP), because the result file should be lightweight (indent take more size), however I will work to add an option to enable identation at output (PHP)
tnx you

thx for your replay.