

Opened this issue · 20 comments

How do i hook mammouth to phpstorm? Will there be any plugin for it?

At this time there are no plug-in for mammouth in any IDE (you can use coffeescript syntax highlighter + the internal terminal of phpStorm, installing node and mammouth globally), but we will work to make it for you (phpStorm) soon,
thank you for this issue 👍

+1 for IntelliJ plugin

+1 for IntelliJ plugin

Thank you for that great Mammouth =)

Still no news?

aolko commented

are you even alive?

skibz commented

@aolko : the creator of this project is swamped with issues and pull requests. to be honest, there are far more pressing issues than an IDE plugin to which he must attend.

aolko commented

i tried it myself, but guess what - it won't work
p.s. yes, it generates .php file, BUT w/o php syntax

@aolko relativity I'm alive;
I'm just a student (first year university), studying takes all my time so it's very difficult without a laptop to maintain and develop mammouth, however I'm working in the 3rd version now ;)

well...let's criticize less and contribute more don't you think? btwael
does not need to apologize...he did the heavy lifting in mammouth...if you
think it is lacking...get your hands dirty and start improving it
El may 11, 2015 11:40 AM, "Wael Boutglay"

@aolko relativity I'm alive;
I'm just a student (first year university), studying takes all my time so
it's very difficult without a laptop to maintain and develop mammouth,
however I'm working in the 3rd version now ;)

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#43 (comment).

skibz commented

yeah man, thanks for your initial implementation of mammouth.
it's going to turn into a great little lang. php really could use something like this.

@aolko @mightydes @riversy @sanotto @skibz
I just finished the 3.0.0 version, maybe mammouth deserves now a phpstorm plugin
please take a look to, maybe we reached the level of CoffeeScript specially the one about Everything is an Expression

aolko commented

so are you going to make a plugin or what?

@aolko Yeah we will open a branch for that!

@btwael thanks for your work!

aolko commented

No branch exists yet

@aolko I'm working on a plugin for sublime text and text mate, I guess there are a way to import tmLanguage grammar file to JetBrains editors

+1 for PhpStorm

Hey everybody! The download statistics in npm shows that there are many people interested in Mammouth (almost 25 per day), which make rethink about starting the development of a new version that will fix many bugs and enable new features. Once done the support for major IDEs and code editors will be added!

You can contribute to Mammouth new version in this branch.

You can also support me financially doing so on Patreon.