
Something U have to do when U use the third-party plug-in 'hexo-renderer-markdown-it' together.

KevinHu-1024 opened this issue · 2 comments

I had replaced the default md render by hexo-renderer-markdown-it. And I installed this plug-in.

Then I noticed the rended page had something what didn't hiden: <!---toc---> and <!---toc stop--->.

This issue need to configure hexo-renderer-markdown-it by set html: ture

eg.(hexo's _config.yml)

# Markdown-it config
## Docs: https://github.com/celsomiranda/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/wiki
    html: true


We need the placeholder <!--toc--> to indicate where the toc should be placed at.

So, I will document this issue when people use hexo-renderer-markdown-it.


Thank you, it will be an useful tip. 😄