
question about event recording

Opened this issue · 3 comments

eroux commented

This is just a question to confirm the model. I'm trying to understand how to model the creators of a complex work. Let's take for instance a work which has had 2 translations and 1 revision. Each of these events have several persons associated to it, we want to record the role of each person in each event as well as the way this is indicated in the colophon.

Let's say we have:

  • bdr:E1P1 who is the pandita of the first translation, indicated in the colophon as the pandita from the first translation
  • bdr:E1P2 who is the Tibetan translator of the first translation
  • bdr:E2P1 who is the pandita of the second translation
  • bdr:E2P2 who is the Tibetan translator of the second translation
  • bdr:E3P1 who is the reviser

here's an attempt (I'm using blank nodes for the sake of clarity)

bdr:W123 :workEvent [
			a :TranslatedEvent ;
			:eventWho [ 
			    a :AgentInRole ;
			    :agent bdr:E1P1 ;
			    :role bdr:R0ER0018 ;
			    :agentIndication "the pandita from the first translation"@bo-x-ewts ;
			] , [ 
			    a :AgentInRole ;
			    :agent bdr:E1P2 ;
			    :role bdr:R0ER0026 ;
			    :agentIndication "the translator from the first translation"@bo-x-ewts ;
			] ;
         ] , [
         	a :SecondTranslatedEvent ;
			:eventWho [ 
			    a :AgentInRole ;
			    :agent bdr:E2P1 ;
			    :role bdr:R0ER0018 ;
			    :agentIndication "the pandita from the second translation"@bo-x-ewts ;
			] , [ 
			    a :AgentInRole ;
			    :agent bdr:E2P2 ;
			    :role bdr:R0ER0026 ;
			    :agentIndication "the translator from the second translation"@bo-x-ewts ;
			] ;
         ] , [
         	a :RevisedEvent ;
         	:eventWho [ 
			    a :AgentInRole ;
			    :agent bdr:E3P1 ;
			    :role bdr:R0ER0023 ;
			    :agentIndication "the reviser"@bo-x-ewts ;
			] ;
         ] .

is that correct? I made up the agentIndication, if it's a good name I think we should add it.

We discussed and the two updates to the above are 1) use rdfs:label instead of adding :agentIndication; and 2) maybe add some indication that the events were derived from the colophon, e.g., via a :note.

eroux commented

thanks! I think the agentIndication sort of indicates that the information comes from the text itself... so maybe that wasn't such a bad idea? Maybe there could be made generic with something like :indicatedAs?

I'm a bit puzzled. Taking bdr:E2P1 the role bdr:R0ER0018 indicates Pandita and the:

[]  a  :SecondTranslatedEvent

makes evident that bdr:E2P1 is "a Pandita for the Second Translation".

I had thought that your idea of :agentIndication was to provide a user friendly display of the info (hence rdfs:label), but I notice that you tagged the uses w/ @bo-x-ewts and am wondering whether you intended to capture the colophon text expressing bdr:E2P1's role - since that's in the spreadsheet you showed me yesterday, iirc.

If that's the case, that the :agentIndication is the authoritative text from the colophon (or where ever), then perhaps a :Note would serve well since it can refer to the work, the location w/in the work, and the appropriate text.

If none of this fits the bill then sure let's add :indicatedAs with whatever explanation we need to clarify its use.