
authorship event

Opened this issue · 2 comments

eroux commented

It seems we do not have an event for the authorship of a work. We have bdo:CompletedEvent but it the context of a translation it's not specific enough (as it would probably refer to the translation)

I should we add a AuthoredEvent, maybe by renaming CompletedEvent?

There is the bdo:OriginatedEvent for which there are 9 occurrences all of which are content-free:

bdr:W29157_0127  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EV317D777AA8ED .
bdr:W29157_0002  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EVA30DEA2CA043 .
bdr:W22642_1016  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EVF69C544CE0E8 .
bdr:W22642_0864  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EV4209F11C0982 .
bdr:W22642_0835  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EVBA24A8B0357A .
bdr:W22642_0656  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EV19F08AF730A8 .
bdr:W22642_0447  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EVD9A1EB5ABB6D .
bdr:W22642_0366  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EV75592A221EA0 .
bdr:W22642_0063  bdo:workEvent  bdr:EVC334D0A5161F .
bdr:EVF69C544CE0E8  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EVD9A1EB5ABB6D  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EVC334D0A5161F  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EVBA24A8B0357A  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EVA30DEA2CA043  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EV75592A221EA0  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EV4209F11C0982  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EV317D777AA8ED  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .
bdr:EV19F08AF730A8  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .

These, and other empty events, can be tossed during migration perhaps and bdo:OriginatedEvent could be renamed to bdo:AuthoredEvent.

There are 942 uses of bdo:CompletedEvent such as W10237, and it would seem these should be evaluated to determine whether they correspond to Authored as you intend.

Upon further scrutiny in preparation for updating xmltoldmigration I looked at how bdo:OriginatedEvent is being generated. This event is only occurring from OutlineMigration.

One example is:

<outline:node RID="O01CT00014CZ198114" type="section">
    <outline:node RID="O01CT00014CZ198115" type="text">
            bde chen gling pa'i rnam thar bkra shis dbyangs kyi yan lag gsal byed/
        <outline:title type="titlePageTitle">
            gter chen mchog gyur bde chen gling pa'i rnam thar bkra shis dbyangs kyi yan lag gsal byed/
        <outline:location page="7" vol="38"/>
        <outline:location page="636" vol="38"/>
        <outline:creator person="P8050" type="hasMainAuthor">dkon mchog 'gyur med</outline:creator>
        <outline:site type="started">24/05/1921 - 06/06/1921 (*, 55, 4, last half)</outline:site>
        <outline:site type="completed">30/11/1921 - 14/12/1921 (*, *, 10, first half)</outline:site>
            nor bu gling gi sgrub sde 'chi med bde chen 'od gsal chos 'khor gling
        <outline:description>mchog gyur gling pa's life story</outline:description>

and OutlineMigration creates empty :OriginatedEvent for type="started" and empty :CompletedEvent for type="completed" and an empty :WorkEvent for the <outline:site/> w/ no @type and string content:"nor bu gling gi sgrub sde . . .". So we're losing data in this migration step because the element text content is being ignored:

bdr:W22642_1016  a                bdo:Work ;
        rdfs:comment              "mchog gyur gling pa's life story" ;
        bdo:creator               bdr:CRA15F135646A6 ;
        bdo:legacyOutlineNodeRID  "O01CT00014CZ198115" ;
        bdo:workEvent             bdr:EVF69C544CE0E8 , bdr:EV126AF52F4595 , bdr:EVC99ED072ACC0 ;
        bdo:workLocation          bdr:WL1461028868D8 ;
        bdo:workPartIndex         1 ;
        bdo:workPartOf            bdr:W22642_1015 ;
        bdo:workPartTreeIndex     "38.1" ;
        bdo:workTitle             bdr:TT122E5CCB6022 , bdr:TT302789A68C69 ;
        skos:prefLabel            "bde chen gling pa'i rnam thar bkra shis dbyangs kyi yan lag gsal byed/"@bo-x-ewts .

bdr:EVF69C544CE0E8  a  bdo:OriginatedEvent .

bdr:EV126AF52F4595  a  bdo:WorkEvent .

bdr:EVC99ED072ACC0  a  bdo:CompletedEvent .

I'm thinking to add :eventText to capture this data during migration. There's a comment in OutlineMigration acknowledging this situation.

I realize the content is ad hoc but it should be retained for dealing with later.

Then I would say we just leave :OriginatedEvent alone and add :AuthoredEvent to the ontology. Using eventText to capture the content is a simple update to OutlineMigration and with your use of :AuthoredEvent in rKTs-migration all should be consistent I think.
