
Add managed module: `envoyproxy/ratelimit`

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Recreating from issue originally created by @Aarif123456

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Where is the source code for the Managed Module?

Do the proto files declare a package?

  • Yup


Does this module have other module dependencies/imports?

Yup, envoy/service/discovery/v3/discovery.proto: https://github.com/envoyproxy/ratelimit/blob/main/api/ratelimit/service/ratelimit/v3/rls_conf_ds.proto#L5C1-L5C53

Based on the repository's release process, do you prefer syncing by SemVer releases or by git commit SHA?

  • git commit SHA

Additionally, is there a sensible initial reference to sync from?

Along with a sync method, please propose a reference to commence syncing from. Consider commonly used versions and whether there are major breaking changes across versions that segment the user base.

Do you think this module is widely used by the community, and is not already provided on the BSR by the owners?

Yup, the envoyproxy ratelimit library seems relatively popular. It also doesn't need to be updated too often

Unsure? Let's chat! https://buf.build/links/slack

Hello, happy to take a look at this.

Does this module have other module dependencies/imports?
Yup, envoy/service/discovery/v3/discovery.proto: https://github.com/envoyproxy/ratelimit/blob/main/api/ratelimit/service/ratelimit/v3/rls_conf_ds.proto#L5C1-L5C53

That's coming from envoyproxy/envoy here, right? Github, BSR.

Based on the repository's release process, do you prefer syncing by SemVer releases or by git commit SHA?
git commit SHA

That repository has made some SemVer releases in the past, although they're pretty old (< 2020). I guess it's fine to sync individual git commits starting at the current main commit. Hopefully they start making releases again so we can switch to it, which has much better semantics.

This module has been successfully added and synced (along with its direct and transitive dependencies). See README for more. Closing this issue now.