
About the new feature of the protocompile

guochenghui13 opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to query about what additional feature in this repo compared to "/jhump/protocompile-old". I have noticed the differences mentioned in the READEME

jhump commented

Hi, @guochenghui13, this repo is complete whereas jhump/protocompile-old is not. That's why that other repo is named "old", is archived, and has a README that points users here.

That old repo is the original repo I created for the compiler, before I started working at Buf. When I started here, we worked in earnest to complete and release it. So this bufbuild repo is about 150 commits ahead of that old one.

I'm not sure how you even found that old one or why you are asking about it. I created purely as a "just in case", instead of deleting it, in case I was interested in any of the repo metadata (like issues/pull requests/etc, of which there are admittedly very few). For users that found and used jhump/protocompile (without the "-old" prefix) before it was re-born in the bufbuild organization, I re-created it as a fork of this one (and also archived it) when we made bufbuild/protocompile public, expecting users might happen upon that one and then see it was a fork and prefer to use the upstream sources.

thank you sir