
Extension 'Buf' is configured as formatter but it cannot format 'Protocol Buffers'-files

hasit opened this issue · 3 comments

hasit commented

I am getting the following error in VSCode when I configure vscode-buf to be the default formatter for .proto files.

Formatting Extension 'Buf' is configured as formatter but it cannot format 'Protocol Buffers'-files

buf can be found in $PATH.

$ which buf
$ echo $PATH
... /opt/homebrew/bin /usr/local/bin ...

Here's the proto3 section in my settings.json for reference:

  "[proto3]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "bufbuild.vscode-buf",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true

I'm running into the same issue

With VSCode v1.81.1, and the extension in v0.5.1, it seems to work as expected for me: The "Format Document" command formats, and save formats as well.

It is possible that another extension for proto files causes a conflict? The Protobuf support extension works well in combination with ours, adding syntax highlighting, but not causing conflicts that I'm aware of.

hasit commented

Thanks for verifying. I do not see the error now.